This short guide will help you integrate with Campaign Monitor

. It's simple and will make it possible for you to directly import your lists from Campaign Monitor to Bounceless

This integration requires you to have a account, that you can create over here. It will also only work if you have a Campaign Monitor account, if you do not have one yet, you can create one here

Step 1: connect to your account.

Log in
  • You will now need to click on "Add Integration" on the dashboard. 

  • When this is done, just click on the first Campaign Monitor logo to select the integration. 

Step 3: Log in to your Campaign Monitor account. 

After having clicked on the Campaign Monitor logo for integration a new window will open and ask for your credentials. Please make sure you enter your Campaign Monitor credentials :). 

Step 4: Import your Campaign Monitor list for email verification. 

After having logged in to your Campaign Monitor  account through the integration window, you