This short guide will help you integrate with Aweber. It's simple and will make it possible for you to directly import your lists from Aweber to Bounceless

This integration requires you to have a account, that you can create over here. It will also only work if you have a Aweber account, if you do not have one yet, you can create one here

Step 1: connect to your account.

Log in

Step 2: Add Vertical Response integration. 

  • You will now need to click on "Add Integration" on the dashboard. 

  • When this is done, just click on the first Aweber logo to select the integration. 

Step 3: Log in to your Aweber account. 

After having clicked on the Aweber logo for integration a new window will open and ask for your credentials. Please make sure you enter your Aweber credentials :). 

Step 4: Import your Aweber list for email verification. 

After having logged in to your Aweber  account through the integration window, you