This short guide will help you integrate with MailerLite.
It's simple and will make it possible for you to directly import your lists from MailerLite to Bounceless

This integration requires you to have a account, that you can create over here. It will also only work if you have a MailerLite account, if you do not have one yet, you can create one here
Step 1: Get your API KeyAfter you logged into your account go to the top of your page click on Integration on dropdown Menu


Scroll down to Bounceless integration click on Use then Copy the API Key

Step 2: connect to your account.

Log in


  • You will now need to click on "Add Integration" on the dashboard.

  • When this is done, just click on the first MailerLite logo to select the integration. 

  • Past the API Key  and hit the Submit button

  • Click to Import List.